my easy diary
free yourself from the boring stuff in life


point It is your site
We don't share any information between users.

point Your data is your data
We won't share any of the information you store on your site with any other person or organisation. During payments we do need to pass on credit/debit card information to the relevant bank, but we do not store these details.

point It is secure
my easy diary secures your data from start to finish: SSL certificates secure the data between our servers and your computer; RackSpace hosting secure our servers (their methods include biometric scanning protocols); and we use the best encryption techniques to secure any sensitive data you have in your safe so we can't access it. See our security guides for more.

point We are trustworthy
my easy diary is UK owned and based. We are registered under the Data Protection act and have used top legal firms to draw up our terms and conditions. The company was estalished with a clear understanding that everything we do is for the benefit of our customers.

point No advertising
There will be no on-screen advertising - no 'pop ups' - for subscribers of the premium package.

point No marketing
We will not send you any marketing material by email or post, and we won't pass your details to other organisations.

point Our only contact
We will send you a welcome email and an email to indicate any subscription is coming to an end. If you choose to, we will send a reminder by email and/or text to advise you that your text credit is too low to send further reminders, and to advise of any significant developments on the site.

point Updates
Our aim is to keep the site as user friendly as possible and incorporate user feedback in any future developments.

point No quibble money back
If, within 30 days of subscribing for whatever reason you are not happy with the site, we will refund your subscription.